Saturday, July 10, 2010

The other side of the coin

I know I'm not alone when I say this but I'm a daydreamer. However, I may differ from others when I say what I daydream about. While I may not daydream about this often (mostly because I only think about this during the spring and summer months) but whenever I do, I find myself feeling slightly isolated. Earlier today, as I was walking out to the garbage cans, I wondered about those who were heading off to amusement parks. I thought about families that were on vacation. I thought about those who were doing entertaining, exciting and fun events while the rest of us went to work or were just wandering around in a mindless state.

I wonder if someone is getting up in Florida in their hotel room and is about to head out to Universal Studios or Disney World this morning.

I wonder if someone in Utah is getting up right now and bitching about they have to go to work in an hour.

I wonder if someone in Indiana is writing about something similar to this before heading back to his/her dull and dreary lifestyle before ending the night in bed....

1 comment:

  1. I think about things like this when I'm driving mostly....Where are the other drivers going? Where are they coming from? Who are the talking to on their cell phones?
